Daily Morning Call

Daily Morning Call

From the Floor: How high can global yields...

405 views December 19, 2016

Bond prices are wrapping up 2016 on much weaker footing than they started the year, but Saxo Bank...

Daily Morning Call

From the Floor: EURUSD on the 'parity express'...

759 views December 16, 2016

The Federal Reserve's hawkish shift in the 2017 trajectory for interest rates has EURUSD chasing...

Daily Morning Call

From the Floor: Fed electrifies dollar, pummels...

229 views December 15, 2016

FOMC's 25bps interest rate increase and especially its hawkish dot-plot suggestion of 3 further...

Daily Morning Call

From the Floor: Fed hike is priced in but...

380 views December 14, 2016

The dollar is broadly weaker ahead of today's crunch FOMC meeting and what is expected to be the...

Daily Morning Call

From the Floor: Trump factor has Fed flailing—...

747 views December 13, 2016

The Federal Reserve enters the final lap for its big meeting tomorrow when it is expected to wave...

Daily Morning Call

From the Floor: China sells off as crude surges...

311 views December 12, 2016

Chinese shares posted a dramatic selloff today following a shift in the shift in the forward...

Daily Morning Call

From the Floor: Euro wilts as risk appetite...

286 views December 09, 2016

The ECB's Mario Draghi gave markets an early Christmas present by way of a taper that wasn't...

Daily Morning Call

From the Floor: ECB gets ready to apply the...

930 views December 08, 2016

The European Central Bank meets this afternoon in the wake of the Italian referendum and, despite...

Daily Morning Call

From the Floor: Rome to the rescue? — #SaxoStrats

374 views December 07, 2016

Italian media reporting Rome ready to bail out banks La Stampa says government to request ESM...

Daily Morning Call

From the Floor: EURUSD spike scares the bears

884 views December 06, 2016

● Strong US non-manufacturing PMI clears the way for rate hike next week – Liu ● EURUSD spikes...

Daily Morning Call

From the Floor: Euro down but stocks, bonds...

367 views December 05, 2016

The Italian referendum defeat was not unexpected but the euro has dropped sharply against the...

Daily Morning Call

From the Floor: All clear for December hike —...

571 views December 02, 2016

The current mixture of strong macroeconomic signals and what is expected to be a strong showing...