Tagged with Saxo tv



520 views September 09, 2014

Saxo bank's Head of FX Strategy John Hardy is looking at shorting AUDUSD as the key head and...


Collins: EURUSD showing negative sentiment

218 views September 09, 2014

Alan Collins from 3c Analysis is looking at the continued decline in EURUSD this morning....


Scottish independence 'massive wild card' for...

198 views September 08, 2014

If the prospect of Scottish independence hadn't been taken seriously so far, it sure is now. The...


Garnry: Alibaba price is 'too conservative'

301 views September 08, 2014

Incredibly there are some investors in the West who haven't heard of Alibaba. Later this month...


Sterling: What you need to know this week

199 views September 08, 2014

More turbulence for sterling as the threat of Scottish independence continues to unsettle markets...


Hardy: Trading strategies amid Scottish...

218 views September 08, 2014

We've seen Sterling drop to ten month lows amid market jitters caused by the latest polls which...


Berger: Intel stock 'churning' below resistance

168 views September 08, 2014

Serge Berger is looking to buy Intel stock after US and European stock markets broadly passed the...


Koefoed: NFP disappoints with August data...

221 views September 05, 2014

The latest NFP data leaves many analysts disappointed, with the 142k number for August coming in...


Rising dollar hits commodities like gold

220 views September 05, 2014

After last week’s rise, the Bloomberg Commodity Index has fallen this week by more than 1%. A...


Saxo FX traders on ECB, NFP and Scottish...

193 views September 05, 2014

Saxo Bank's FX traders give us a snapshot of the markets as the fall-out from the latest ECB...


Neighbour: Bovis building up for a bounce

254 views September 05, 2014

With the housing market in the United Kingdom setting record prices, Joe Neighbour from Central...


Garnry: Brazilian equities moving to a...

375 views September 04, 2014

Brazil is back, after a turbulent three years, equity markets are showing signs of a remarkable...