Tagged with USD


Jakobsen: Why I've changed my mind on a US...

1,105 views February 04, 2015

Saxo's Chief Economist, Steen Jakobsen says he's changed his mind on a US rate rise and does now...


The ‘shackles are off’ AUDUSD

507 views February 04, 2015

The RBA cut interest rates to 2.25 percent unexpectedly on Tuesday in an attempt to devalue the...


Hardy: AUD set to weaken further

613 views February 03, 2015

Australia’s central bank has cut its cash rate to a record low of 2.25%, sending AUDUSD down a...


Hardy: Why I'm looking for a USD rally

730 views February 02, 2015

Saxo's John Hardy believes the market reacted complacently to last week's FOMC meeting. He says...


Koefoed: US economy now fully recovered

769 views January 30, 2015

The latest economic data from the United States is, on the face of it, disappointing. Q4 2014...


Russian rate cut sends Rouble running

933 views January 30, 2015

Russia’s central bank has lowered its main interest rate unexpectedly as recession concerns...


Lambert: Kiwi gives sell signal

675 views January 30, 2015

Clive Lambert is looking to sell NZD against the USD after “Double Top” sell signal. Clive has...


Coleman: An Either-Or trade in GBPUSD

397 views January 29, 2015

Ian Coleman from First 4 Trading is expecting furtherweakness in the US Dollar. The GBPUSD...


Koefoed: Why the FOMC will delay a rate rise again

427 views January 28, 2015

It's not expected to be a ground breaking FOMC statement when the meeting closes later this...


Collins: GBPUSD showing positive momentum

246 views January 28, 2015

Alan Collins is tracking GBPUSD and the potential for this week’s temporary profit taking to...


Will the ECB do for Europe what the Fed did for...

297 views January 26, 2015

Will the ECB’s QE programme do for Europe, what similar programmes from the Federal Reserve did...


Faraday: USD Swiss recovery offers opportunity

439 views January 26, 2015

Faraday analyst Alex Joyner talks us through his ideas for a USDCHF trade. Alex says "Following...