Tagged with bonds


How to take advantage of the bull market

2,636 views November 01, 2013

The SP 500 has hit three record highs in 2013, more than any year since 1999. In fact, global...


Beecroft: Short treasuries at 2.25%

249 views October 31, 2013

10-year yields rose to the highest in a week after the FOMC maintained its monetary stimulus....


Markets wait for Bernanke

287 views October 30, 2013

It's all about the central banks. Investors play the waiting game ahead of the FOMC. Gold...


Vital inspiration for your corporate bond...

541 views October 29, 2013

With equities setting new records virtually on a daily basis, perhaps you should consider adding...


Jakobsen on the worrying echoes of 1999

3,741 views October 28, 2013

Steen Jakobsen has a warning to investors: there are too many similarities to the economic...


Jakobsen: No regrets about fixed income move

449 views October 24, 2013

Steen Jakobsen says he has no regrets about moving 80% of his portfolio into fixed income and it...


Buy US treasuries on debt deadline extention

228 views October 16, 2013

The official US debt ceiling deadline may be just around the corner, but congress could agree to...


Garnry: Three reasons why equities will beat bonds

281 views October 01, 2013

Whilst most analysts suggest you should be overweight bonds, mainly because we the economy has...


Why Q4 holds opportunities for brave investors

312 views October 03, 2013

Q4 may have had a rather dramatic kick-off, with a Government shutdown in the US and growing...


Euro "to climb further" if no ECB action

563 views October 02, 2013

The Euro is close a seven month high against the dollar, and Saxo Bank's John Hardy thinks that...


Why the US shutdown could be a buying opportunity

380 views October 01, 2013

A shutdown of US government departments has begun but investors shouldn't worry, at least not...


Italy turmoil rocks bond market

209 views September 30, 2013

With political turmoil in Italy and a possible government shutdown in the US, Saxo Bank’s Simon...