Tagged with china policy


Alibaba v Tencent: The Chinese fight for world...

285 views May 14, 2014

Two Chinese Internet giants: Alibaba, about to launch a New York IPO, versus Tencent its arch...


Jakobsen: Europe’s China Syndrome

6,977 views May 08, 2014

China and the Euro, both dependent on each other far more that we might think. Europe, China’s...


China: Handle with care

248 views April 09, 2014

There’ll be no easy fix for fragile China, according to the country’s leaders. China’s Premier...


James Roy: China stimulus within four weeks

172 views April 01, 2014

More mixed signals from China, raising the prospect of the government stepping in with fresh...


Jakobsen: Why China can't fail

429 views March 24, 2014

More bad economic data from China; the latest HSBC Purchasing Managers Index shows deeper...


Why China will keep its grip on the Yuan

441 views March 17, 2014

In an effort to move closer to a market-determined exchange rate, China has doubled the Yuan’s...


China's short term pain will lead to long term...

509 views March 11, 2014

An unexpected trade deficit, falling GDP and fears about deflation. The news from China has...


China growth: Where do you stand?

170 views January 09, 2014

The Chinese stock market is at its lowest level in almost five months and experts are split as to...