Tagged with commodity


This oil stock could power ahead

180 views March 31, 2014

Energy stocks are on the rise and one company in particular, Devon Energy Corporation, is...


Berger: Why I'm putting potash in my portfolio

255 views March 28, 2014

Potash, which produces nitrogen and is used for agricultural fertilisers, has caught Swiss based...


The Golden Cross formation raising expectations

397 views March 21, 2014

A golden cross occurs when you seen the 200 day moving average cross with the 50 day moving...


Why gold is exposed to a correction

357 views March 19, 2014

Gold has fallen again this Wednesday and it could easily correct by another twenty dollars over...


Hansen: How I'm trading gold, copper and crude

764 views March 14, 2014

Copper's not been this low for nearly four years while the energy sector's seen its worst...


Has copper bottomed out? 

444 views March 12, 2014

High Grade Copper has fallen for the fourth day in a row and the negative trend looks set to...


O’Hare: WTI prices spike as tensions increase

163 views March 11, 2014

Geopolitical tensions are driving prices in the WTI crude oil market, as buyers fear a...


Palladium shines as commodities charge

267 views March 07, 2014

Strong demand for agriculture futures and geo-political tensions in Ukraine not only increased...


Commodities climb as Ukraine crisis deepens 

250 views March 03, 2014

Commodities react quickly to a crisis and Ukraine is no exception. Oil and wheat prices are...


Manic month for commodities but will it be a...

414 views February 28, 2014

Commodities saw the best monthly performance since July 2012. The broad based UBS-DJ index rose...


Why Venezuela unrest could raise oil prices

172 views February 26, 2014

The upheaval in Venezuela has been overshadowed by the turmoil in Ukraine, but the political...


Why commodity trading is the comeback kid

446 views February 25, 2014

Hedge funds continue to rush into commodities according to the Commitment of Traders report...