Tagged with em


How to take advantage of the bull market

2,636 views November 01, 2013

The SP 500 has hit three record highs in 2013, more than any year since 1999. In fact, global...


Garnry: Why I've still got high hopes for tech

209 views October 14, 2013

Earnings season is heating up, with more than 80 companies reporting results this week. According...


Bonds rally on no taper decision

194 views September 20, 2013

Since the news broke about the Fed's decision to not taper, Saxo Bank's Simon Fasdal says the...


Do you dare trade emerging market currencies?

337 views August 20, 2013

"We could be setting ourselves up for the mother of all counter consensus trades". That's the...


Money To Be Made In Equities If "You're Brave"

379 views July 02, 2013

In the second half of 2013, there'll be plenty of buying opportunities, especially if you're...