Tagged with equity strategy


How long can this lack of volatility go on for?

955 views June 10, 2014

Saxo Bank's top analysts give their views on the current lack of volatility, or "amazing bout of...


How long can this lack of volatility go on for?

131 views June 10, 2014

Saxo Bank's top analysts give their views on the current lack of volatility, or "amazing bout of...


‘Mr Hedge Fund’: The ‘scandalous’ hidden...

213 views June 04, 2014

Alan Miller, known as ‘"Mr Hedge Fund" in the UK due to his success in managing one of Britain’s...


Meet Alan Miller, also known as "Mr Hedge Fund"

323 views June 04, 2014

Alan Miller is becoming a controversial figure in finance. He made his name in fund management...


How to invest in US consumers

177 views June 06, 2014

One of the best performing sectors in the US is the consumer discretionary category, retailers...


Why dividend stocks suffer from higher interest...

200 views June 04, 2014

While the European Central Bank has kept rates low in Europe, over in the United States, rates...


Apple impresses with iOS 8 at Developers...

172 views June 04, 2014

Saxo TV's Tech Expert, Stuart Miles from PocketLint.com, reports from Apple's Developers...


Berger: Caterpillar moves too slowly for markets

144 views June 02, 2014

Although two major indices have reached record highs, Serge Berger, the Steady Trader, notes that...


Power returns to US utility sector

165 views May 30, 2014

The US utility sector sheds light on the wider economy, and current growth is slow but sure,...


World Cup warm up: England vs Germany

177 views May 30, 2014

This morning, Joe Neighbour from Central Markets is looking at a FTSE 100 and DAX 30 pairs...


Coca Cola vs pepsi - which is the tastier...

208 views May 29, 2014

Coca Cola and Pepsi - both dominate the fizzy drinks and snacks industry. But which one is more...


US housing, building up for recovery

167 views May 27, 2014

US housing starts are an important economic indicator and recent figures have been weak....