Tagged with euro crisis


Hardy: UK election - FX reaction

614 views May 08, 2015

John Hardy, Head of FX Strategy at Saxo Bank, gives his reaction to the outcome of the general...


Collins: Bullish on EURUSD

448 views May 06, 2015

Alan Collins is bullish on EURUSD . He's encouraged by the third up-week in succession with...


Faraday: Trading Sterling’s strength in EURGBP

330 views April 27, 2015

Thomas Light from Faraday Research notes that the recent strength in the pound has been “very...


#SaxoStrats - Buying Deutsche Borse Group

2,066 views April 10, 2015

In his latest #SaxoStrats video Head of Equity Strategy Peter Garnry explains why he's buying...


Jakobsen: Russia and Greece - a marriage the...

1,047 views April 09, 2015

Chief Economist Steen Jakobsen analyses the pact between Russia and Greece. Putin is clearly...


Peter's Picks: Step-by-step guide to trading a...

1,537 views March 13, 2015

As part of his long running Equity Diversification series, Head of Equity Strategy Peter Garnry...


Greece talks - what are the markets saying?

1,088 views February 20, 2015

Talks aimed at ending the stand-off between Greece and Germany could create fresh market...


Greece to go? Steen Jakobsen, Mads Koefoed and...

2,056 views February 06, 2015

Greece and the ECB are like a married couple on the verge of divorce but staying together because...


Jakobsen: Why I've changed my mind on a US...

1,105 views February 04, 2015

Saxo's Chief Economist, Steen Jakobsen says he's changed his mind on a US rate rise and does now...


Hardy: Market is underestimating the strength...

863 views January 26, 2015

Despite the uncertainty following the the Greek election, Saxo's John Hardy says the market has...


Jakobsen: Greece lightning strikes Euro

1,283 views January 26, 2015

A big win for the left wing anti austerity party Syriza in Greece raises questions about the...


Hardy: QE euro drop, where will it stop?

2,117 views January 23, 2015

The Euro saw steep losses after the ECB fired its 'big bazooka', a EUR 60 billion per month QE...