Tagged with foreign exchange


What can stop the strengthening yen?

363 views October 02, 2013

The yen is close to a five week high against the US dollar. Concerns about the shut-down in...


Panic in emerging markets: Why India's the big...

502 views August 27, 2013

You've got the conditions for a real crisis in India; so says John Hardy, Saxo Bank's Head of FX...


What's going on with the yen?

642 views August 27, 2013

The Japanese yen has been strengthening against the dollar and the euro. Saxo Bank's Head of FX...


Trade idea: Sell the euro on an ABCD formation

402 views August 27, 2013

Ian Coleman from First 4 Trading is looking to sell Euro Sterling for three key reasons; we are...


Do you dare trade emerging market currencies?

337 views August 20, 2013

"We could be setting ourselves up for the mother of all counter consensus trades". That's the...


Hardy: Why the Kiwi dollar could be punished

453 views August 16, 2013

Out of all the so-called “commodity currencies”, the Australian dollar has been the biggest...


Hardy: Why the euro's set to fall

739 views August 15, 2013

The euro's rallied fairly strongly over the past few weeks but it's definitely headed lower by...


Hardy on the "over-valued" Swiss franc

677 views August 15, 2013

The Swiss franc is "egregiously" over-valued, according to John Hardy, Saxo Bank's Head of FX...


Navigating the FX markets

297 views August 07, 2013

The currency markets this year have been "wild, erratic, volatile". Ian Coleman from...


Oh, what a circus in the forex markets

408 views August 07, 2013

"It’s been a bit of a circus", that's how Saxo Bank traders describe the forex market this...


Veksler: Why I like the hated Aussie dollar

413 views August 07, 2013

The world still "hates" the Aussie dollar, but I still like it: the words of Ken Veksler, the...


Why the Aussie Dollar's looking interesting

246 views August 06, 2013

Saxo Bank traders are seeing "interesting" developments in the Aussie Dollar. Earlier, the...