Tagged with france


Growth in Europe: Now what?

282 views August 14, 2013

"The worst of the recession is behind us in Europe", that's according to Teis Knuthsen, the Chief...


Bank results paint mixed picture

333 views July 30, 2013

We've had a slew of data out from European Banks; Barclays, UBS and Banco Santander have reported...


What's hot! Switching from bonds to stocks

304 views July 26, 2013

If you are feeling a little short of trading ideas this summer, fret not, Bill Blain from Mint...


Asia to drive car industry 'even further'

597 views July 26, 2013

There is a lot of noise around car makers at the moment; GM, Ford and Renault have all posted...


Megan Greene: Questioning the euro zone recovery

348 views July 26, 2013

With the PMI back in growth territory for the first time since January 2012, there is optimism...


Shorting EUR:JPY on Euro strength

332 views July 26, 2013

Trader Anton Hughes from Magick is shorting the Euro Yen off the back of ‘lame’ numbers out of...


Europe's next banana skin

362 views July 17, 2013

So the French President reckons France is on the verge of an economic recovery. Neil Staines,...


Why I'm shorting the Euro; Europe's a mess!

255 views July 04, 2013

For the past few years investors around the world have been panicking about PIIGS, but now the...


Euro Crisis, What Crisis?

276 views June 10, 2013

French president Francois Hollande claims the Euro zone crisis is "over". But with German...