Tagged with gree


Greece and China - the double whammy hitting...

544 views July 07, 2015

If you missed today's Saxo TV live broadcast from the trading floor at Saxo Bank then here's a...


Koefoed: Why the markets don't fear Greek...

506 views July 06, 2015

There's still so much uncertainty over what will be the final outcome for Greece. Saxo's Mads...


O'Hare: Greece and Gold - why I'm setting shorts

613 views July 03, 2015

Steve O'Hare is setting shorts in Gold based on his assessment that the market will move lower in...


Jakobsen: Greek crisis has echoes of Lehman...

1,219 views June 30, 2015

Could the unfolding Greek saga have echoes of the dark days just before the collapse of Lehman...


Time to put your money under the mattress?...

752 views June 19, 2015

Saxo Bank’s Heads of Fixed Income, FX and Commodities: Simon Fasdal, John Hardy and Ole Hansen,...


Jakobsen: Russia and Greece - a marriage the...

1,047 views April 09, 2015

Chief Economist Steen Jakobsen analyses the pact between Russia and Greece. Putin is clearly...


Greece talks - what are the markets saying?

1,088 views February 20, 2015

Talks aimed at ending the stand-off between Greece and Germany could create fresh market...


Greece to go? Steen Jakobsen, Mads Koefoed and...

2,056 views February 06, 2015

Greece and the ECB are like a married couple on the verge of divorce but staying together because...