Tagged with insurance


High-yielding European insurance stock picks:...

1,068 views August 05, 2016

European insurance stocks have the highest yields across the board, according to Saxo Bank head...


#SaxoStrats - Market too negative on European...

501 views February 16, 2016

Shares of the iShares STOXX Europe 600 Insurance ETF are down 22% since early December driven by...


Stoev: Why it's time to look at puts to protect...

810 views February 15, 2016

Markets around the world have faced a turbulent few weeks, so how can investors safeguard their...


Neighbour: Selling Aviva as FTSE 100 trends lower

309 views September 04, 2015

The FTSE 100 is trending lower and Joe Neighbour is therefore looking for opportunities to sell....


Why shorting life could be good for long term...

777 views February 16, 2015

Some big life assurance companies could soon prove to be troublesome for investors; that's...


Aviva correction offers some insurance against...

112 views February 07, 2014

Joe Neighbour from Central Markets is focussing on Aviva today, hoping there's some insurance...


Trade idea: Why I'm buying Aviva

200 views November 22, 2013

The British insurance giant, Aviva, is the focus of Joe Neighbour's trade from Central Markets...


Trade idea: Sell RSA Insurance

232 views September 05, 2013

Richard Perry from Central Markets is selling RSA Insurance because of a series of bearish...