Tagged with jakobsen


Jakobsen: Why now's the time to short the dollar

1,097 views August 28, 2014

The dollar's peaked and now's the time to short it; that's according to Saxo Bank's Chief...


Jakobsen: Why Juncker's EU appointment would be...

372 views June 24, 2014

Jean-Claude Juncker: He's "bad" for Europe and his appointment as the next President of the...


Saxo's World Cup competition takes on a life of...

450 views June 23, 2014

Saxo’s World Cup competition is seeing as many surprises and close finishes as on the fields...


Jakobsen on the US: A negative vicious circle

492 views June 05, 2014

Friday we get the latest US jobs figures, the non farm payrolls. We're expecting between 225 and...


Jakobsen: The ECB will act when the world...

391 views June 02, 2014

What will we see this week from the European Central Bank? All eyes are on President Mario...


Jakobsen: Europe’s China Syndrome

6,977 views May 08, 2014

China and the Euro, both dependent on each other far more that we might think. Europe, China’s...


Jakobsen: Why China can't fail

429 views March 24, 2014

More bad economic data from China; the latest HSBC Purchasing Managers Index shows deeper...


Jakobsen: A new cold war is emerging

488 views March 03, 2014

Twenty five years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, we’re seeing a new division between East and...


The ECB and the risks of doing nothing

356 views February 05, 2014

The ECB meets on Thursday with growing pressure to do more to combat the threat of deflation and...


Jakobsen: The crisis building up for the ECB

540 views February 03, 2014

There's growing evidence the European Central Bank is moving towards another crisis driven by...


Jakobsen: Europe's cliff-hanger moment

490 views January 29, 2014

Europe's competitiveness is being eroded almost daily by the high levels of the euro. EURUSD...


Why China is the emerging threat

429 views January 27, 2014

A growing crisis in emerging markets is hitting share prices and could lead to a significant...