Tagged with jakobsen


Jakobsen: Why I'm selling gold

614 views January 21, 2014

Saxo's Chief Investment Officer, Steen Jakobsen, is selling gold this Tuesday. Technically, he...


Emerging markets, lower growth, your trades

473 views December 27, 2013

Emerging markets are actively seeking lower growth and that's going to impact developed economies...


Jakobsen on Europe, deflation and the euro

1,906 views January 07, 2014

Eurozone inflation fell to 0.8% in December, well below target. It's a bad omen, says Saxo Bank's...


Outrageous Predictions: The big TV debate

1,013 views December 16, 2013

If Saxo's Outrageous Predictions were to come true, how prepared would you be? Find out in this...


Jakobsen: We should all be worried about France

1,085 views December 10, 2013

Industrial output has surprisingly fallen again in France and Steen Jakobsen, Saxo Bank's Chief...


Jakobsen: Be long euro to "test" the ECB

656 views December 06, 2013

Be long euro dollar to test the ECB. That's the call from Steen Jakobsen following the Central...


Bitcoin: A bit ridiculous or a bit brilliant?

749 views November 29, 2013

Bitcoin is the most well-known type of virtual or crypto currency. It’s creating a lot of buzz at...


Jakobsen: The dangers of negative rates

442 views November 21, 2013

The ECB's Mario Draghi has attempted to play down speculation the European Central Bank may...


Jakobsen: No regrets about fixed income move

449 views October 24, 2013

Steen Jakobsen says he has no regrets about moving 80% of his portfolio into fixed income and it...


How to trade a US shutdown

775 views September 30, 2013

Saxo's Steen Jakobsen is in no doubt; there will be a shutdown in Washington and it could cost...


Jakobsen: No taper ”doesn’t come as a shock”

10,865 views September 19, 2013

Whilst most analysts are close to flabbergasted by the Fed’s decision to not taper, Saxo Bank’s...


Jakobsen: More QE is likely over next two years

602 views September 17, 2013

Markets already regard the FOMC meeting as the single most important event, but when they meet on...