Tagged with large cap stocks


Knuthsen: As Novo beats, why Danish stocks are...

611 views August 05, 2015

The Danish large cap OMX Copenhagen 20 index has risen more than 40% this year outperforming most...


Earnings Season: Will the Davids beat the...

500 views April 10, 2015

Q1 earnings season has begun and it's the small cap firms with a spring in their step. Serge...


Berger: My Best & Worst Trade of 2014

433 views December 19, 2014

With the 2014 trading year coming to an end, we at TradingFloor.com are taking a moment to...


Morningstar: Small cap edge waning

398 views December 03, 2014

FFor more than a decade shares in small US businesses have outperformed large company stock. But...


Morningstar: Why investors love income in large...

151 views July 04, 2014

Large-cap domestic-equity funds are maybe not that sexy, but they still are the foundation of...


Berger: Pumping up ConocoPhillips

111 views April 14, 2014

Serge Berger, better known as The Steady Trader, is looking for opportunities in the energy...