Tagged with madskoefoed

Trading Floor

Video: Market Overview: FOMC and manufacturing...

933 views December 14, 2010

As 2010 draws to a close, some important macroeconomic events are still to come. The FOMC has its...

Trading Floor

Video: Market Overview: Beyond Bernanke's blues...

822 views December 07, 2010

The US economy is officially in recovery, however the US unemployment figure announced this early...

Trading Floor

Video: Market Overview: Will Non Farm Payrolls...

1,393 views November 29, 2010

It’s the week for employment data out of the US with the Non Farm Payrolls report announced this...

Trading Floor

Video: Market Overview: Ireland puts Eurozone...

1,089 views November 22, 2010

2010 will be regarded as the year that put the Eurozone to the test, with the multiple sovereign...