Tagged with mario draghi


Watch out for these trading risks this week

509 views June 12, 2015

Will the FOMC give the dollar direction this week? There's a Fed meeting and statement on...


Breaking: German bund yields break the 1% barrier

465 views June 10, 2015

German bund yields have just broken above 1% - a psychological barrier for the markets. Saxo's...


Fasdal: Bonds caught between Greece and inflation

411 views June 08, 2015

The stand-off between Greece and its creditors continues to dominate markets. Saxo Bank’s Simon...


Hardy: ECB hasn't given us what we wanted

680 views June 03, 2015

The ECB has met this Wednesday amid a turbulent few days in the markets. Many had expected...


Fasdal: How Draghi will respond to the dramatic...

564 views June 03, 2015

Ahead of the ECB meeting, Simon Fasdal speaks to us from the Saxo Bank Bonds desk on what could...


Koefoed: Why Draghi will be cautiously...

717 views June 02, 2015

Saxo's Mads Koefoed expects the ECB President, Mario Draghi, to paint a more upbeat picture of...


Jakobsen: Why the ECB may be forced to...

983 views May 19, 2015

A lack of results and bad timing could force the ECB to intervene in the market again, says Saxo...


Fasdal: What's driving German bund yields up

637 views May 12, 2015

When there’s turmoil in the markets, such as the on-going uncertainty over Greece, German bund...


Hardy: Tough-talking EU ministers rattle euro

1,382 views April 24, 2015

News of tough talks between Greece and the rest of the euro zone rattled the euro and that...


Jakobsen: The ECB's 'backward-looking...

678 views March 06, 2015

How much difference will QE make on the fortunes of the Eurozone? Saxo Bank's Chief Economist,...


If the Eurozone is improving, what's the point...

405 views March 04, 2015

Another positive month for Eurozone PMI services figures that were out this Wednesday. They may...


Oil and Gold react to death of Saudi King and...

961 views January 23, 2015

It's been another big week for the markets as the ECB launched its large QE programme, Saudi...