Tagged with qe3

Trading Floor

Video: FX Update - Extend and pretend fever is...

480 views May 31, 2011

Another fantastic day for risk takers as drumbeat of negative US data only gets louder. Is this...

Trading Floor

Video: FX Weekly Wrap - Risk loves misery?

774 views May 27, 2011

Even more weak data out of the US sees barely a flutter in risk appetite, though bonds were...

Trading Floor

Video: FX Update - Dissonance and disarray

558 views May 26, 2011

Confusing action across markets, with bonds strong and equities strong as well despite a fresh...

Trading Floor

Video: FX Update - Consolidation?

551 views May 03, 2011

Today, we wonder if the word "consolidate" is still a part of the market's consolidation as so...

Trading Floor

Video: FX Update - QE3, Meet Mr. Plosser

467 views March 25, 2011

The US Philadelphia Fed's Plosser was out with a more than hawkish detailing of how he thinks the...

Trading Floor

Video: FX Update - QE sickness again?

435 views March 24, 2011

Fresh Euro shorts were squeezed mercilessly in today's trade as the market decided to write off...

Trading Floor

Video: FX Update - Euro pain

480 views March 23, 2011

The complacent Euro-longs got an ugly wake-up call today as the pre-EU summit announcement...

Trading Floor

Video: 2011 Outrageous Predictions

1,399 views December 22, 2010

10 Outrageous Predictions has been published by the Strategy team at Saxo bank since 2004, and...

Trading Floor

Video: Equities Update: QE2 announced, QE3 on...

840 views November 05, 2010

The US Federal Reserve announced the details to the much anticipated quantitative easing measures...