Tagged with quantitative


Get set for 2016 with the Peter Garnry and...

1,308 views December 01, 2015

Another chance to see the webinar with Peter Garnry, Head of Equity Strategy, and Simon Fasdal,...


Fasdal: What's behind this equity rally

1,060 views September 09, 2015

Equity markets have been rallying over the last 48 hours with Japan's Nikkei Index up around 8%...


Koefoed: Why Draghi will be cautiously...

717 views June 02, 2015

Saxo's Mads Koefoed expects the ECB President, Mario Draghi, to paint a more upbeat picture of...


Fasdal: ECB intervention to boost Euro stocks...

561 views May 19, 2015

The European Central Bank is sending a strong message by front-loading its QE programme and...


Fasdal: What's driving German bund yields up

637 views May 12, 2015

When there’s turmoil in the markets, such as the on-going uncertainty over Greece, German bund...


Fasdal: Risky Russia and Brazilian bonds -...

561 views March 24, 2015

The ECB’s QE programme is driving bond yields down to all-time lows in most of Europe. So where...


If the Eurozone is improving, what's the point...

405 views March 04, 2015

Another positive month for Eurozone PMI services figures that were out this Wednesday. They may...


Vicky Pryce: 50/50 chance of euro surviving...

537 views February 23, 2015

Greece has been granted some temporary relief from its creditors as it looks set to secure a...


Berger: European equities rock, but are they on...

445 views January 26, 2015

The European Central Bank’s trillion euro QE programme have sent European equities up, but how...


Garnry: Euro stocks poised to party

677 views January 22, 2015

Investors have been buying up shares in European companies in anticipation of the ECB’s QE...


Knuthsen: Why Denmark won't scrap its peg to...

1,193 views January 21, 2015

Ever since last week’s decision to scrap the Swiss franc ceiling against the Euro, there’s been...


Hardy: Size matters for ECB QE

856 views January 21, 2015

It now seems inevitable that the ECB will announce large-scale quantitative easing this week....