Tagged with saxo bank


Marius buys his first put option: Stoev & Røsand

607 views June 07, 2016

In this episode Marius Røsand and Georgio Stoev discuss the use of an options trade on the stock...


Why agricultural commodities are back in...

645 views June 07, 2016

Ole Hansen, head of commodities at Saxo Bank, says that the falling dollar, along with global...


Don’t read too much into the NFP data:...

420 views June 06, 2016

Kay Van–Petersen, global macro strategist at Saxo Capital Markets, says that no one should read...


5 reasons why EM bonds are hot: Fasdal

422 views June 06, 2016

Simon Fasdal, head of fixed income trading at Saxo Bank, gives five reasons why emerging markets...


Why gold spiked after NFP shocker: Hansen

888 views June 06, 2016

Ole Hansen, head of commodity strategy at Saxo Bank, explains why gold received a boost after...


Equities update webinar: Garnry

786 views June 03, 2016

Join Peter Garnry as he looks at the prospects for equities in the run up to the Brexit campaign...


NFP data could be a key tip-off for Fed’s rate...

447 views June 03, 2016

John Hardy, head of FX strategy at Saxo Bank, explains why he thinks today’s nonfarm payroll data...


Invest or avoid? – Dong Energy: Garnry

710 views June 02, 2016

Peter Garnry, head of equity strategy at Saxo Bank, analyses the arguments on whether to invest...


EURGBP technical analysis: Coleman

419 views June 02, 2016

Ian Coleman from First4Trading.net is looking to sell USDGBP. Coleman explains the reasoning...


Why my GBPJPY trade idea was off target:...

784 views June 01, 2016

Kay Van-Petersen, global macro analyst at Saxo Capital Markets, explains his thoughts behind his...


My trade view on the JUN'16 DAX: Lucas

409 views June 01, 2016

Steve Lucas from 3cAnalysis.com provides a technical analysis of the JUN'16 DAX future. A bearish...


GBPJPY could climb higher: Van-Petersen

411 views May 31, 2016

Kay Van-Petersen, global macro strategist at Saxo Capital Markets, is long GPYJPY on the back of...