Tagged with saxo


Hansen: Gold will struggle to find friends

362 views November 26, 2013

With talk of less QE in the States and a diplomatic breakthrough in Iran, gold continues to trade...


Knuthsen on equities: We can’t go on like this!

4,706 views November 26, 2013

With record stock market highs, persistently low interest rates, something’s got to give. That’s...


Hardy: Why I'm avoiding yen crosses

386 views November 25, 2013

The Japanese yen's has been hitting four year lows against the euro and six month lows against...


Hardy: Why I'm avoiding yen crosses

352 views November 25, 2013

The Japanese Yen's has been hitting four year lows against the euro and six month lows against...


The "catastrophic" tax all traders should know...

1,011 views November 22, 2013

How aware of you of the European Financial Transaction Tax (FTT)? You should be. If it becomes...


Can you profit from green investments?

303 views November 21, 2013

Investing in companies that have a radical green agenda can bring dividends; that's the message...


Hansen: How I'm trading gold, oil and coffee

791 views November 22, 2013

Gold, silver, platinum and palladium are the biggest commodity losers this week while coffee has...


Trade idea: Why I'm buying Aviva

189 views November 22, 2013

The British insurance giant, Aviva, is the focus of Joe Neighbour's trade from Central Markets...


Jakobsen: The dangers of negative rates

442 views November 21, 2013

The ECB's Mario Draghi has attempted to play down speculation the European Central Bank may...


Hardy: Euro rumours versus reality

537 views November 21, 2013

You've got little more than rumours the ECB is considering a negative deposit rate but they were...


Essential bond inspiration for your portfolio

356 views November 20, 2013

If you, like so many people, are looking to diversify your portfolio into fixed income, think...


Jakobsen: My worst fears confirmed

851 views November 20, 2013

Saxo Bank's Chief Investment Officer, Steen Jakobsen, says after a week travelling through Asia,...