Tagged with saxotv


Hardy: The dollar's future amid US "nightmare"

523 views October 11, 2013

Where's the dollar heading amid the growing uncertainty in the States? Saxo's John Hardy says the...


Watch for the joker in US bank results

278 views October 10, 2013

US financial results are likely to be much more disappointing this financial season, according to...


Beecroft: The "chilling" prospect of a US default

295 views October 08, 2013

The possibility of a US debt default is just days away and the Chairman of Saxo Capital Markets,...


Garnry: Three reasons why equities will beat bonds

281 views October 01, 2013

Whilst most analysts suggest you should be overweight bonds, mainly because we the economy has...


Trade idea: Buy Facebook on Twitter "excitement"

231 views October 07, 2013

Serge Berger, also known as the Steady Trader, is looking to buy Facebook, as it is holding up...


How the US shutdown's hitting your commodity...

444 views October 04, 2013

Commodities are being rattled by the ongoing government shut-down in the States. There are real...


What can stop the strengthening yen?

363 views October 02, 2013

The yen is close to a five week high against the US dollar. Concerns about the shut-down in...


Euro "to climb further" if no ECB action

563 views October 02, 2013

The Euro is close a seven month high against the dollar, and Saxo Bank's John Hardy thinks that...


Why the US shutdown could be a buying opportunity

380 views October 01, 2013

A shutdown of US government departments has begun but investors shouldn't worry, at least not...


How to trade a US shutdown

776 views September 30, 2013

Saxo's Steen Jakobsen is in no doubt; there will be a shutdown in Washington and it could cost...


Jakobsen: Why I'm moving 80% of my portfolio to...

1,220 views September 09, 2013

Saxo Bank's Chief Investment Officer, Steen Jakobsen, is moving eighty per cent of his portfolio...


Hardy: Will the yen hold its nerve?

477 views September 09, 2013

It’s a case of no rest for the wicked when it comes to investors this month; last week we had...