Tagged with simon


Fasdal: QE may not protect Europe from Greece...

729 views April 16, 2015

The Greek bond market is showing signs of stress as talks between Greece and its creditors enter...


Fasdal: Risky Russia and Brazilian bonds -...

561 views March 24, 2015

The ECB’s QE programme is driving bond yields down to all-time lows in most of Europe. So where...


Fasdal: Greek crisis at “critical” stage

596 views March 23, 2015

The crisis in Greece, which threatens its membership of the euro, has reached a critical point....


Markets gearing up for Venezuela default

1,059 views December 11, 2014

Most bond markets have reacted positively to the drop in oil prices. But it is an entirely...


How the bond market will react to tapering

414 views December 16, 2013

If and when the US Federal Reserve begins to taper its asset purchase programme, how will the...