Tagged with steen


Watch for central bank responses to Brexit:...

2,064 views June 24, 2016

Throughout the day the most important thing to watch out for will be how the Bank of England and...


Mind the gap – Essential Trades for Q1 2016

2,415 views January 07, 2016

The markets are in for a big surprise as they do not seem to grasp just how determined the US...


Out on Wednesday! Saxo Bank's Outrageous...

881 views December 10, 2015

Saxo Bank's celebrated Outrageous Predictions are out on Wednesday, December 16th. Are you...


Jakobsen: Global economy being strangled by...

1,612 views November 13, 2015

For the global economy to get back on track, what the world now needs the most is a weaker US...


Jakobsen: Still bullish on EM and here's why

636 views October 21, 2015

Earlier this month, the Saxo Strats team made a bullish call on Emerging Markets the focus for...


Jakobsen: How I am trading the Canadian call...

730 views October 20, 2015

The outcome of the Canadian elections should make politicians and pollster around the world sit...


Jakobsen: Get used to less liquidity and wider...

957 views September 16, 2015

Traders are getting used to less liquidity in the markets and more volatility. While some report...


7 years after Lehman, only now are the lean...

2,529 views September 15, 2015

We've learned nothing since the collapse of Lehman Brothers seven years ago today; that's the...


Jakobsen on crude's 'huge stimulus' and the...

1,083 views August 07, 2015

The fall in global oil prices is a huge stimulus and the full impact on consumers and producers...


Jakobsen: The Fed focus fundamental

799 views July 23, 2015

Once we're out of this 'silly season' for trading, as Saxo's Steen Jakobsen calls it, the focus...



287 views June 24, 2015

Will we get an interest rate rise in the States over the coming quarter? Saxo's Steen Jakobsen...


Jakobsen: Why stocks will fall and EUR rise -...

3,604 views June 18, 2015

Before hitting the beach for a summer break, it might be worthwhile to take stock of your...