Tagged with united states


Berger: Jumping on the S&P 500's 'oversold bounce'

262 views August 11, 2014

"I'm looking for an over-sold bounce in the S 500 Index"; so says trader, Serge Berger, also...


Knuthsen: Why the US recovery bashers are wrong

217 views August 06, 2014

How optimistic should investors be about the US economy? Recent data has certainly pointed...


Why US employment will never fully recover

290 views July 01, 2014

Slow but steady job growth is expected to be reflected in the latest US Non Farm Payroll figures,...


Just what is Monsanto up to?

1,316 views June 24, 2014

It’s been revealed that talks between US agricultural giant Monsanto and its rival Syngenta have...


Trading the US jobs report

269 views February 06, 2014

The nonfarm payrolls are out later on Friday and they're eagerly anticipated due to the dire US...


Trade idea: Long crude oil on Chinese data

217 views October 18, 2013

Anton Hughes from Magick.nu is looking to long crude oil following strong numbers out of China;...


Hardy: Don't worry about Fitch's US ratings review

310 views October 16, 2013

Fitch has put the US government's "AAA" credit rating on 'rating watch negative'. The rating...


How long will euro's strength last?

597 views October 14, 2013

The euro recently hit an eight month high against the dollar, but is it a matter of euro...

TradingFloor.com Insights

Insights Q4 Outlook: Hard landing

189 views October 08, 2013

The US Fed’s failure to give tapering lift-off at the tail end of Q3 may have sounded the death...


Beecroft: The "chilling" prospect of a US default

295 views October 08, 2013

The possibility of a US debt default is just days away and the Chairman of Saxo Capital Markets,...


Hardy: The US shutdown, the dollar and you

487 views October 08, 2013

As the US government shutdown enters its second week, Saxo Bank’s John Hardy says that markets...