Tagged with us growth


Koefoed: QE tapering a 'forgone conclusion'

177 views June 18, 2014

The Fed’s job is never easy. On the one hand the US economy seems to be recovering, with news...


How to avoid the ISM 'short-term noise'

152 views June 10, 2014

The US economy has now recovered all the jobs lost during the most recent recession, but as...


The UK versus the US, who’s really winning?

240 views May 30, 2014

The US versus the UK, sounds like some sort of fantasy World Cup fixture, in the economic league...


Power returns to US utility sector

165 views May 30, 2014

The US utility sector sheds light on the wider economy, and current growth is slow but sure,...


Why US growth doesn't mean jobs.

251 views May 26, 2014

What tells you more about the economic situation in the US: manufacturing growth or employment...


Could US come out of the cold this week?

223 views April 29, 2014

A big week for US data, the Fed meeting, US GDP and Non-Farm Payrolls, all expected to reflect...


Main Street USA on road to recovery

157 views April 09, 2014

Looking for reassurance that the US economy is on track for a solid recovery? Some use the...


Hardy: What next for USD?

450 views April 04, 2014

What next for the US Dollar? If Nonfarm Payrolls (NFPs) are between 200,000 and 250,000, Head of...


Steen Jakobsen: US deep freeze not to blame for...

271 views March 10, 2014

Steen Jakobsen: US deep freeze not to blame for cooling economy. The Federal Reserve Bank...


US job figures better than expected   

381 views March 07, 2014

The latest US Non Farm Payrolls are up 175,000, better than expected, especially given the very...


Gas flares, gold falls and rare moves in the...

272 views January 31, 2014

Commodities moved lower during the course of the week as the diverging outlook between EM and DM...


Why things are looking up for US and Spain

548 views January 30, 2014

As investors digest news that the US Federal Reserve will reduce its monthly bond purchases by...