Tagged with usdrub


From the desk: FX markets update

402 views April 01, 2015

Saxo Bank's FX option and spot desk traders give us a brief update on the markets as we head...


Saxo Strats: How John Hardy is trading USDCAD

524 views April 01, 2015

Saxo Bank's Head of FX Strategy John Hardy explains how he's trading USDCAD as the USD becomes...


US jobs data - Have we seen the peak?

390 views March 31, 2015

With increasing signs of a slow down in the US, Head of Macro Strategy at Saxo Bank, Mads Koefoed...


Koefoed: Fed loses patience but USD will find...

414 views March 19, 2015

As widely predicted the Fed may have lost patience but the unexpected dovish tone taken by Janet...


Collins: Bullish on USDCAD

286 views March 18, 2015

Alan Collins talks us through his trade in USDCAD which he believes has upside potential after a...


Just how much damage is a strong dollar doing...

779 views March 11, 2015

We're heading for a negative surprise in Q1 earnings as much as a 7% drop in earnings per share...


Collins: Playing the positive 'Loonie' tunes

498 views January 14, 2015

Alan Collins believes USDCAD offers more upside action despite yesterday's five and half year...


If Russia's debt becomes junk, then what?

833 views January 13, 2015

The ruble is down more than 3% against the dollar this Tuesday, signalling yet again that the...


The currency fallout from oil's collapse

761 views January 07, 2015

The Eurozone has officially entered deflation and the collapse in the oil price is partly to...


Kazakova: What will Russia do next?

987 views December 16, 2014

As the Ruble saw its biggest drop since 1998, Russian analyst Nadia Kazakova, warns that...


Jakobsen on the most 'volatile cocktail' in Russia

1,387 views December 16, 2014

The huge fall in the ruble this Tuesday is a crisis for Russia with potentially huge implications...


Hardy: ECB about to make 'concrete' statement -...

808 views December 03, 2014

The ECB will make a "concrete" announcement this week and introduce QE in January 2015, that's...