
Lambert: Easing EURUSD lower

March 09, 2015 clive lambert futurestechs, dollar, ecb, ecb action, ecb euro, ecb inflation target, ecb meeting, ecb news, ecb policy, ecb qe, ecb quantitative easing, ecb rate, ecb rate cut, ecb rate decision, ecb rate decision interest rates, ecb rates, ecb rates decision, economic, economics, economy, euro, euro area, euro dollar, euro qe, euro weak, euro weakness, eurodollar, europe, europe growth, european, european central bank, european economy, european recovery, european union, eurozone, eurozone economy, eurusd, foreign exchange, forex, forex 2015, forex 2015 outlook, forex buying, forex eurusd, forex exchange, forex idea, forex market, forex market overview, forex markets, forex saxo bank, forex strategy, forex trade idea, forex trade ideas, forex trading, forex trading 2015, fx, fx crosses, fx exchange, fx forex, fx interbank markets, fx investing, fx market, fx markets, fx options, fx saxo bank, fx spot, fx strategy, fx trade, fx trade idea, fx traders, fx trades, fx trading, fx trends, fx volatility, fx volatitily, non farm payrolls, non farms, non-farm payrolls, nonfarm, nonfarm payroll data, nonfarm payrolls, nonfarmpayrolls, quantitative easing, saxo, saxo bank, saxo bank group, saxo bank saxo tv, saxo bank trading, saxo bank trading floor, saxo bank, saxo capital markets, saxo traders, saxo trading, saxo tv, saxo tv saxo bank, saxo tv trades, saxo tv trading floor, saxo tv tradingfloor, saxo tv,, saxotv, trade, trade idea, trade ideas, trade view, trader, traders, traders tale, traders tale clive lambert, traders tale saxo tv, trading, trading currencies, trading fx, trading idea, trading platform, trading risks, trading strategy, trading techniques, trading tips, tradingfloor, tradingfloor saxo bank, tradingfloor saxo tv,, insights, saxo tv, trade ideas, tradingfloorcom, us dollar, us economic data, us economy, us non farm payrolls, us non-farm payrolls, us strength

The euro continues to weaken against the US Dollar, ahead of the European Central Bank’s quantitative easing programme which begins today. Clive Lambert from FuturesTechs notes that EURUSD has not been at current lows since September 2003. Last Friday’s strong non-farm payrolls data pushed the dollar index higher, after the US added 295,000 jobs well above the 240,000 estimate. With USD at an 11-year high, Clive is expecting further weakness out of EURUSD and is planning to short any rally within the USD 1.0925-35 range. He is targeting a move towards USD 1.0765 with a stop located at USD 1.1000.

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