
Collins: Three reasons to sell EURUSD

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Alan Collins is looking to sell EURUSD amid the volatility and uncertainty surrounding the Greek crisis. He's spotted three main technical reasons to back his call.
• Monday’s rally failed at both a weekly and daily Marabuzo line.

• The bounce from the negative gap lower on Monday was also capped by the trend defining 13 day moving average

• The daily Keltner channel is again angling lower.

Confirmation will be a clear break of 1.1100 and preferably the 100 day moving average and Alan adds, "...underlying sentiment is, in my assessment, negative."
Sell at 1.1150 and 1.1175/80 area. 

The risk level is currently assessed as 1.1218 but will be under constant review.

The downside is likely to focus on 1.1083, 1.1049 and 1.0993