
Jakobsen & Hardy: Why this crisis could be good for us

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If anyone had thought that the Chair of the Federal Reserve, Janet Yellen, was going to calm the markets this week, they couldn't have been more wrong. And that proves what Saxo Bank's Chief Economist, Steen Jakobsen and Saxo's head of FX Strategy, John Hardy, have been saying for some time - that Central Banks are not in control.

Steen and John discuss why the markets no longer believe in Central Bank guidance, why the world has been relying on these bankers for too long and whether the moves towards negative rates will have any impact at all.

They also debate which country has the most to lose in all this and why this crisis could be the start of something more positive.

Steen explains how the turbulence of 2016 has so far impacted his portfolio and John looks at the effect it's having on particular currency pairs.