Daily Morning Call

New - From the Floor: No such thing as 'animal spirits' — #SaxoStrats

January 30, 2017
As the "Trump trade" continues to unwind, Saxo Bank chief economist Steen Jakobsen says that the data simply do not report claims that "animal spirits" will invigorate markets into 2017.
   • Asian session shows growing risk-off mode in equity markets
   • Data-heavy week includes FOMC meeting, nonfarm payrolls
   • Trump model relies heavily on weaker USD: Jakobsen
   • 'China will occupy the vacuum left by Trump': Jakobsen
   • US faces high risk of recession in 2017
   • The 'animal spirits' claim is not supported by data: Jakobsen
   • Hedge funds' commodity exposure highest since 2014
   • Oil struggling as WTI net-long position hits record levels