
Saxo's Q3 2023 Quarterly Outlook - AI: The Good, the Bad and the Bubble

July 19, 2023

AI has been quite the rage recently and a key driver in the markets this year. While there is a lot of optimism around artificial intelligence and how it can transform businesses and daily lives, there are also risks of disruption to job markets. Furthermore, steep gains in some key AI-stocks may have already taken us into a bubble territory and the path ahead could be choppy. This adds to the uncertain growth and inflation trajectories which continue to cloud the market outlook.

Join our Q3 2023 quarterly outlook webinar, hosted by our APAC Market Strategists, as they explore the ways to get exposure to the AI theme and discuss the positioning strategies for your portfolios. 

After the presentation, you’ll be able to join a lively Q&A session and get the investing insights you need for Q3 and beyond, right from our experts.