Tagged with autoplay


Lucas: Aussie could boomerang in any direction

438 views December 09, 2015

Steve Lucas is effectively setting out to straddle AUDUSD. Spotting decent data in Japan which...


Lucas: AUDUSD bouncing back

316 views October 07, 2015

Steve Lucas from 3c Analysis outlines his trade in AUDUSD. With positive signs from metals,...


Garnry: The worst is not over for VW and here's...

1,262 views September 23, 2015

23 billion euros have been wiped off the value of German car maker Volkswagen, so far, after the...


Faraday: Market complacency ahead of rate rise...

398 views September 14, 2015

Thomas Light from Faraday research explains why he thinks the markets are complacent ahead of...


#SaxoStrats - BMW slow down about to reverse?

384 views August 18, 2015

Saxo Bank's Head of Equity Research Peter Garnry outlines his latest #SaxoStrats trade: a new...


#SaxoStrats - Europcar bond shows drive and...

351 views August 17, 2015

Michael Boye, Fixed Income Trader at Saxo Bank, outlines his latest #SaxoStrat trade: a new...


China Crisis: Is Beijing about to fire bazooka...

581 views July 08, 2015

Jeff Halley from Saxo Group in Singapore gives us a market update as exhausted Asian traders head...


Lucas: AUDJPY trade - safe haven from Greece...

284 views July 08, 2015

Steve Lucas outlines his trade in AUDJPY. "Apart from Greece, investors have suddenly realised...


#SaxoStrats: Buying Daimler on cheap valuation

516 views June 10, 2015

Saxo Bank's Head of Macro Strategy Mads Koefoed explains his latest #SaxoStrat trade: buying...


#SaxoStrats - AUDUSD to boomerang back down

537 views June 02, 2015

Saxo Bank's Head of FX Strategy John Hardy outlines his latest #SaxoStrats trade: John says:...


Lucas: Still scope for Aussie Yen

361 views April 29, 2015

Steve Lucas is trading AUDJPY amid a lot of 'will they, won't they' speculation around the...


Global growth fears: How to short AUDJPY

293 views October 13, 2014

The commodity related Aussie dollar has come under pressure in recent weeks. While the safe haven...