Tagged with bonds


Coleman: Buying EURGBP and here's why

392 views June 30, 2015

Ian Coleman is buying EURGBP after seeing a reverse Head and Shoulders formation and a bullish...


Boye: No mayhem in bond markets over Greece – yet!

484 views June 29, 2015

It’s been a very dramatic morning for European fixed income after talks between Greece and its...


Preview our Essential Trades for Q3

554 views June 23, 2015

Our Essential Trades for Q3 publication is out on Tuesday. Here's a taste of what you can expect.


Jakobsen: Why the Greek problem won't be solved

4,917 views June 24, 2015

Saxo Bank's Chief Economist, Steen Jakobsen, says that even if a deal between Greece and its...


Fasdal: How I would trade a Greek deal

1,079 views June 23, 2015

There's still no deal on Greece but as one is looking more likely, the markets have been reacting...


Boye: Markets up on Greece optimism

365 views June 22, 2015

The markets are reacting in a more positive light as key talks over Greece take place this...


Time to put your money under the mattress?...

752 views June 19, 2015

Saxo Bank’s Heads of Fixed Income, FX and Commodities: Simon Fasdal, John Hardy and Ole Hansen,...


Jakobsen: Why stocks will fall and EUR rise -...

3,604 views June 18, 2015

Before hitting the beach for a summer break, it might be worthwhile to take stock of your...


Collins: Targeting EURGBP downside

341 views June 17, 2015

Alan Collins sees clearer negative signals in EURGBP after assessing that risk levels are...


Greece Frightening - Large investors getting...

700 views June 16, 2015

Saxo Bank's Head of Fixed Income trading Simon Fasdal has been tracking the latest developments...


Asia Pacific update: Markets watching Greece...

506 views June 15, 2015

Saxo Bank's Asia Macro Strategist Kay Van-Petersen brings us up to date with his round-up of the...


Watch out for these trading risks this week

509 views June 12, 2015

Will the FOMC give the dollar direction this week? There's a Fed meeting and statement on...