Tagged with ecb inflation target


Koefoed: Why Draghi will be cautiously...

717 views June 02, 2015

Saxo's Mads Koefoed expects the ECB President, Mario Draghi, to paint a more upbeat picture of...


Jakobsen: Russia and Greece - a marriage the...

1,047 views April 09, 2015

Chief Economist Steen Jakobsen analyses the pact between Russia and Greece. Putin is clearly...


Fasdal: As QE begins look out for the risk factors

354 views March 09, 2015

The ECB begins its monthly 60 billion Euro QE programme this Monday. Saxo's head of fixed income,...


Lambert: Easing EURUSD lower

416 views March 09, 2015

The euro continues to weaken against the US Dollar, ahead of the European Central Bank’s...


If the Eurozone is improving, what's the point...

405 views March 04, 2015

Another positive month for Eurozone PMI services figures that were out this Wednesday. They may...


Jakobsen: Greece lightning strikes Euro

1,283 views January 26, 2015

A big win for the left wing anti austerity party Syriza in Greece raises questions about the...


Hardy: QE euro drop, where will it stop?

2,117 views January 23, 2015

The Euro saw steep losses after the ECB fired its 'big bazooka', a EUR 60 billion per month QE...


Lambert: A traders's guide to QE

628 views January 22, 2015

QE day has dawned and the ECB's 'big bazooka' is due to be fired later today. Seasoned trader...


Lucas: Bearish sentiment returns to EURJPY

534 views January 21, 2015

EURJPY has seen a steep bearish reversal since hitting a sixyear high in December. The decline...


Hardy: EURCHF still seeing wide trading range

724 views January 19, 2015

The fallout from the decision to abandon the Swiss franc ceiling against the Euro continues with...


Hansen: ECB QE - the clues are in commodities

631 views January 19, 2015

What clues do the commodity markets offer traders and investors ahead of this week's ECB meeting?...


Morningstar Research: Low oil prices - good or...

607 views December 17, 2014

You would expect low oil prices to be a welcome boost to economies struggling with low growth...