Tagged with energía


Oil not back to USD 80 per barrel until 2020 -...

1,286 views November 10, 2015

Oil is unlikely to return to USD 80 a barrel before the end of the decade, despite cutbacks in...


Chevron and Exxon - Just how big a hit can the...

748 views October 28, 2015

A glut of oil firms reporting results this week and among them Chevron and ExxonMobil, both...


Do you know just how far European energy firm...

601 views December 11, 2014

Are traders getting the full facts on the fall in European energy firm stocks? The answer's 'no'...

Sala de Inversión - Latinoamérica

¿El crudo Brent y WTI tocan piso?

120 views October 29, 2014

Después de que el crudo el West Texas Intermediate operara durante cinco semanas consecutivas a...