Tagged with piigs


Jakobsen: ECB about to make biggest policy...

1,446 views December 04, 2014

Timing is everything and the ECB has got it completely wrong according to Saxo Bank's Chief...


Why I'm shorting the Euro; Europe's a mess!

265 views July 04, 2013

For the past few years investors around the world have been panicking about PIIGS, but now the...

Trading Floor

"We have to believe we can save Spain's banks"

2,468 views June 13, 2012

In this special banking report video Yvette Roper of TradingFloor.com interviews Tomas Berggren,...

Trading Floor

Spain's pains increase chance of 2012 rescue to...

10,264 views April 20, 2012

In this macro view video with Steen Jakobsen, Chief Economist, Saxo Bank, he discusses with...

Trading Floor

Macro Focus Video: US downgrade and ECB...

1,194 views August 08, 2011

The unprecedented though expected downgrade of the U.S. credit rating from AAA to AA+ by Standard...

Trading Floor

Video: Finland Election Focus: Eurozone...

1,007 views April 15, 2011

A smooth Eurozone periphery bailout process could be threatened if the euro skeptical True Finns'...