Tagged with saxo trading


Lambert: Looking to buy Brent Crude

424 views April 01, 2015

Clive Lambert from FuturesTechs is looking at buying Brent Crude, which looks set to move higher...


Trade Like A Pro - Leading riders being overtaken

2,775 views March 31, 2015

Who are the leading riders in the Trade Like A Pro competition? Head of Equity Strategy Peter...


Hardy: Greek games pose danger to EUR

496 views March 31, 2015

Greece is playing a dangerous game with its creditors and it is starting to be a drag on the...


Q2 Essential Trades - Meet the team

706 views March 27, 2015

It is officially springtime and Saxo Bank’s strategy team has a fresh perspective on Q2. Green...


Old vs smart watches, Apple’s trade-in and...

372 views March 26, 2015

Traditional watchmakers don’t seem too bothered by the arrival of the smart watch. That’s at...


Lambert: Looking for a break in EURGBP support

344 views March 27, 2015

As signs of solid economic growth continue to trickle out of the Eurozone, the euro has begun...


Hardy: JPY best trade amid turmoil

459 views March 26, 2015

Saudi Arabia’s intervention in Yemen overnight, a rally in oil prices and a sell-off in risky...


Berger: DAX drives on - can investors still...

431 views March 24, 2015

The German DAX 30 is up more than 21% this year, fuelled by the European Central Bank’s QE...


Koefoed: US CPI confirms rate expectations

411 views March 24, 2015

Today’s US CPI data briefly sent the dollar higher against the euro before the move reversed....


Fasdal: Risky Russia and Brazilian bonds -...

561 views March 24, 2015

The ECB’s QE programme is driving bond yields down to all-time lows in most of Europe. So where...


Fasdal: Greek crisis at “critical” stage

596 views March 23, 2015

The crisis in Greece, which threatens its membership of the euro, has reached a critical point....


Hardy: Navigating choppy USD waters

471 views March 23, 2015

USD has seen choppy price action after the FOMC meeting last week, and markets are having a hard...