Tagged with tradingfloor.com insights

TradingFloor.com Insights

Insights Q4 Outlook: Fazed and confused

172 views October 08, 2013

An unprecedented experiment and crossed wires has led to confusion by the truckload in an era...

TradingFloor.com Insights

Insights Q4 Outlook: Driven to distraction

487 views October 08, 2013

As world growth looks set to slow again and fiscal spending cuts and emerging market woes move...

TradingFloor.com Insights

Insights Q4 Outlook: Aiming for new highs

205 views October 08, 2013

As the global economy continues to make a slow recovery, not even the ‘joker’ of the US...

TradingFloor.com Insights

Insights Q4 Outlook: Holding fast

192 views October 08, 2013

The no-taper decision may have been a boon for equities, but commodity markets are driven by...

TradingFloor.com Insights

Insights Q4 Outlook: Debt-ceiling curveball

138 views October 08, 2013

The global economy looks set for some acceleration into the New Year, but the annual US political...

TradingFloor.com Insights

Insights Q4 Outlook: Hard landing

189 views October 08, 2013

The US Fed’s failure to give tapering lift-off at the tail end of Q3 may have sounded the death...

TradingFloor.com Insights

Q2 Insights: USD rally to extend

873 views April 05, 2013

The macro environment offers a win-win set-up for the USD from here, says John J. Hardy, Head of...

TradingFloor.com Insights

Q2 Insights: EUR – the tension mounts

807 views April 05, 2013

The EUR was on a wild ride in Q1. It rose sharply as the ECB’s balance sheet shrank due to LTRO...

TradingFloor.com Insights

Q2 Insights: JPY – the Loki of the G10

700 views April 05, 2013

Market synergies favoured a weaker JPY to an overwhelming degree in the first quarter as rising...

TradingFloor.com Insights

Q2 Insights: Upside in gold

571 views April 05, 2013

We see gold trapped within a 270 dollar range and believe that support from the physical market...

TradingFloor.com Insights

Q2 Insights: Oil markets range bound with risk...

580 views April 05, 2013

"We believe that global oil markets are currently well supplied, but only because OPEC continues...

TradingFloor.com Insights

Q2 Insights: Modest uptick in growth

636 views April 04, 2013

Global economic conditions continued to improve towards the end of last year and into the first...