Tagged with whatsapp


Why Facebook is cheap: Garnry

453 views July 27, 2016

Saxo Bank head of equity strategy Peter Garnry says that Facebook is the cheapest growth stock in...


Facebook has enormous potential - and here’s...

897 views April 28, 2016

Peter Garnry, Saxo Bank’s head of equity strategy, says the stock of social network Facebook is...


Earnings Season: Instagram in focus when...

420 views November 03, 2015

User growth outside the United States and Facebook’s efforts to make money from Instagram users...


Earnings Season: The US tech giants to watch

518 views April 22, 2015

Can Facebook really perform as well this quarter as it did the last? Saxo's Peter Garnry says he...


Candy crushed on King debut

297 views March 26, 2014

Shares in King Digital Entertainment, the maker of the Candy Crush Saga game, fell by as much as...


Facebook takes a $2 Billion look into the future  

359 views March 26, 2014

Facebook says it's preparing for the reality of tomorrow; make that the virtual reality of...


What message is Facebook sending with Whatsapp...

405 views February 20, 2014

In Mark Zuckerberg’s seemingly endless quest to converge consumers’ online and mobile activity,...


The surprising changes in China's top tech stocks

246 views July 08, 2013

Beijing-based trader Fredrik Oqvist is focusing today's trade on the Chinese tech sector, and...