
Jakobsen on Scotland: This is just the start

The closeness of the Scottish referendum this week is just the latest sign of a growing trend in Europe where the national agenda is becoming far more important than broader, pan-European sentiment. So says Saxo Bank's Chief Investment Officer, Steen Jakobsen. It could be the catalyst, he says, for meaningful political and economic change.
At a time when Scotland would be seeking EU membership if the 'yes' vote prevails on Thursday, it would make it more likely that what's left of the UK would vote to leave the European Union, says Steen. The British Prime Minister, David Cameron, has promised a national plebiscite on EU membership by 2017 should his party win the general election scheduled for May next year. 
He says traders and investors should rightly be nervous. And he gives suggestions as to how you should be positioning yourself right now.